Pre-Built Or From Scratch — Which Is Better for Website Design?

ESP WebZing
7 min readJul 5, 2022


When it comes to website design, there is a constant debate over whether to go for pre-built sites or custom ones. The arguments for both sides are very heated and sometimes quite heated. On one side of the argument, using templates is not as professional and shows a lack of creativity. On the other side, those who wish to become highly regarded senior designers are expected to create designs from scratch, demonstrating originality, creativity, and professionalism.

Pre-Built Website Design

Pre-Built or custom CMS: Which is better for website design?

When considering the future of your website, whether to use a Pre-Built or a Custom Content Management System (CMS) is an important decision. CMSs are not just software. A website is a living entity that will need to be maintained for many years. Hence, a custom website design will last longer than a pre-built CMS, even if the latter has many plug-ins and extensions to make it more user-friendly and flexible.

Before choosing a CMS, it’s important to consider what your business requires from a content management system. Which CMS is best for your industry? Small, fast-growing companies, and freelancers are likely to benefit most from a pre-built CMS. Large companies that rely on search for customer acquisition are unlikely to need a customized CMS. However, e-commerce companies and influencers are better served by a customized CMS.

While a Pre-Built CMS can give you a lot of flexibility, a customized one may be limiting when it comes to customization. Third-party modules may not be as easily integrated as with an open-source CMS. Custom CMSs also tend to be more costly to implement than pre-built CMSs. In addition, the development process can take longer. A custom website design may be an effective solution from the start, but can be tedious to grow.

Whichever you choose, you must decide between a custom-built or pre-built content management system. While a custom-built CMS is often customizable and easy to use, it is unlikely to be updated very often. In addition, you may have to pay a developer to make changes. A pre-built CMS is likely to be outdated before your business has made any significant progress. It’s a good idea to have a backup copy in case your business grows.

Choosing the right website design depends on the goals you have for your website, including your image and the image you want to project. If your website is small, new, or a small one, it is unlikely to benefit from custom functionality and design. Instead, you’d be better off using a Pre-Built or Custom CMS for your website design. They’re more affordable and can provide a great website design.

A custom CMS can be customized to meet the needs of most customers. Unlike a pre-built CMS, a customized CMS is easier to use and will be aligned with your existing website design. You can easily label editable content areas on the front-end and back-end. This makes it easier for both developers and writers to maintain the site. You should always consider this before choosing a pre-Built or Custom CMS for your website design.

The biggest difference between custom-built and pre-built CMSs is price. A custom-built CMS is typically more robust, flexible, and cost-effective than an enterprise-level CMS. A custom website can also be more customized than a pre-built one. It may be more expensive, but the benefits are far outweigh the costs. Custom-built CMSs are more flexible and can be updated more often without hassle.

Cheaper than custom-made websites

Although custom-made websites tend to be more responsive and flexible, they are also more expensive than project template websites. Because custom-made websites are built from scratch, they require professional staff to maintain and monitor them. Additionally, they can take weeks or even months to complete. This high cost is the primary impediment to custom websites, and outsourcing is the solution. But how does a custom-made website differ from a project template website?

A website built from a template is significantly cheaper than a custom-made one. These templates come with most of the coding for a website, so you can save a bundle compared to a fully-custom-made website. Custom-built websites also require additional time from the developer to customize the template and implement content. However, these costs can be prohibitive for start-ups or casual affiliate marketers.

The cost of a custom website depends on several factors, including the size of the site and its functionality. A basic informational website can cost between $6 and $50 per month, and an advanced, highly customized 50-page site can cost upwards of $20,000 or more. In general, the costs to build a website for a small business range from $1,000 to $10,000, depending on the complexity of the site. While hiring a custom web designer may be cheaper, the costs can quickly rise.

Although website builders are cheaper, they do not offer a wide range of customization options. Most website builders charge monthly or annual fees. Additionally, they may not be as responsive as custom-made sites, which means that you’ll pay for your website’s maintenance, updates, and upgrades. But in the long run, custom-designed websites are cheaper than website builders. They also get better rankings in search engines, which is the most important consideration for any new website.

Another difference between a custom-made website and a theme-based one is the quality. Custom-made websites are made to reflect the company’s image and brand identity. They are more tailored to the needs of their customers and can help a brand stand out from the crowd. However, custom-made websites tend to be cheaper in the long run, so you may want to consider this option if you have the budget for it.

Cheaper than pre-built templates

Websites that are customized from templates are generally cheaper than websites that are custom-designed. Unlike custom sites, a template is not unique to your business. Instead, it is a carbon copy of thousands of other websites. This lack of exclusivity is costly. Templates also limit you to a small amount of customization. Adding content to your template is not always as easy as you might think, and you may end up with a website that looks less than professional.

While a custom-designed website costs more than a pre-built template, it does have a lot of benefits. A custom-made website has unique features that are optimized for search engines, and it does not contain any redundant code. Plus, a customized website allows you to update content on the site in the future. Most web studios also offer long-term support services. This way, you can continue to update and modify your website without incurring additional costs.

The downside to cheap website options is that they usually lack unique branding. A pre-built website is likely to look like a thousand other websites, including your competitors. And a custom-built website will take time. In addition to this, you will have to spend a large chunk of your budget on testing and tweaking, and it will not be as effective as a custom-built one. Fortunately, there are several options available to you that are cheaper than pre-built templates.

Another cheaper option for website design is to purchase a template. Themes are available for various platforms, including WordPress and ESP Webzing. Many templates are free to download. For example, ESP Webzing is the perfect template for a portfolio. It has smoothly transitions, beautifully spaced elements, and spinning shapes. The basic version of the template is free to download, while more advanced features are available for $10 a month.

If you have a limited budget and need a website quickly, ready-made templates are the way to go. Custom design requires considerable time and coding expertise, and template-based sites can be built quickly and easily. In addition to being cheaper, many template website platforms also provide hosting packages. This means you can get your website up and running on a budget. And there’s nothing wrong with that!

Custom design offers more flexibility and a better chance for specific features. However, templates are quicker to launch and can be easier to customize. Which option is better for your business depends on your needs, budget, timeline, and content. It’s important to remember that custom website design costs more. The decision between a custom or pre-built template will depend on your budget, timeframe, and features. The benefits of a custom-built website will be evident when you compare the costs.

Another downside to templates is their limitations. Many templates are outdated, which means that they will not have the features that you need. Furthermore, they won’t be search engine-friendly. As a result, your site will most likely be surrounded by a lot of competitors. You won’t have the creative freedom to create unique content and make changes to the design. The downside of pre-built templates is that they may slow down the site’s loading time, but if your website has little traffic, this won’t affect it.



ESP WebZing

We provide ready-to-go websites for small and medium sized companies with affordable monthly payment plans.